The Instructor will post his recruits as. sentinels, giving each. of them some particular orders- to attend to, and instruct them, while on their post, not to allow those orders to be infringed,. that they are not to quit their arms, or walk more than ten yard's on each side of their post; that they are never to converse, loiter, or lounge upon on their post, nor remain in their sentry boxes in good, nor even in moderate weather, but are to move about briskly in a soldier-like manner; that on the appearance of an officer, they are to stand firm on any part of their walk, paying the compliment due, until the officer is passed, taking care to front the point specially recommended to their observance; that to all field officers and to officers of a superior. rank, they must present their arms; to all other officers, they are to carry arms. That all guards and sentinels must pay the same compliments to - officers of' the Royal Navy and Marines as are directed to be paid to the officers of the Army, according to their relative ranks. That although guards do not turn out after sunset to pay compliments, yet sentinels, whenever officers approach their posts, must pay' them a proper attention, by standing steady with carried arms, facing to their proper front, nor must this be discontinued until the evening is so far advanced, that they begin challenging and demanding the countersign.
When sentinels are directed to challenge, the recruit must be instructed to do it in a clear sharp tone, pronouncing his words as distinctly as possible. On any one approaching his post, he must challenge them by the words "Who comes there ?" and at the same moment port arms; but if posted where a sudden rush might be made upon him he will at once come to the charge - if the person approaching gives a satisfactory. reply, the sentinel will direct him tot pass;-after the challenge, "Who comes there? should the reply be "Rounds," he must instantly demand "What Rounds?" if answered "Grand Rounds," and he is posted at the guard-house, he must say, Stand, Grand Rounds," and turn out the guard by calling out Guard, turn out," remaining steady on his post till the officer has received them, and they have passed.
If he is posted elsewhere than at the guardhouse, after the reply of "Grand Rounds," he must say, "Stand, Grand Rounds, advance one, and give the countersign," immediately coming to the port, in which position he will receive the countersign, after which he must desire them to pass, by saying, "Pass, Grand Rounds, all's well," shouldering his arms at the same time, and presenting as the rounds pass him.
Visiting rounds are received in the same manner by sentinels.
When double sentries are posted, the front one, on challenging, will come to the charge, and the rear one to the port.
The duties of sentinels on out-posts before an enemy, beyond that of vigilance on their posts, and a strict attention to the. orders that are given them, can only be learned by practice they never pay any compliments.
Sentries, posted with shouldered arms, are permitted afterwards to support, but not to slope them. On the approach of an officer, they immediately carry their arms, and put themselves into their proper position, which is not to be done at the instant he passes, but by the time he is within twenty yards of their post, so that they may be perfectly steady before he comes up.
Sentries are to port arms when challenging any person approaching their posts.
If a relief consists of less than four men, it is to be formed in a rank entire, with the corporal on the right. and on the footpaths in streets, or in narrow thoroughfares, it is to be marched in file in a single rank, with the corporal in rear; on all other occasions, the corporal is to be on the pivot flank of his relief; he is to carry his arms advanced, with his bayonet fixed.
Non-commissioned Officers and Soldiers to Officers of the Royal Navy, Army, and Marines.
It is considered essential, that in the case of the non-commissioned. officer and soldier, as in the case of the officer, there should be one uniform mode of saluting a superior.
The recruit should accordingly, when at his ordinary drills, be taught to salute his superior in a soldier-like manner.
The following instructions are to be inculcated under this head.
When approaching to speak to an officer, they should he taught to raise the arm to its full extent, at right angles with the body, and. when horizontal (the fingers and thumb being kept together) to bring the hand to the peak of the cap, keeping the elbow square, the forefinger and thumb feeling the edge of the peak.
When passing an officer, they bring the hand, in like manner, to the peak of the cap, commencing when about four paces from him, turning the bead, and looking the officer in the face, and retaining the hand at the peak until lie has passed him two paces, when the arm will be brought gradually to the side.
The salute is to be given, with the opposite hand to the side on which the officer may be; consequently it will be necessary to practise the salute with the left hand as well as the right.